Does Religion Fuel Pervasive Misogyny?
A guide to some of the scriptural sexism written in to religion from the very beginning.
A guide to some of the scriptural sexism written in to religion from the very beginning.
What to do when people use religion as an excuse for homophobia
A treatise on the redundancy of religious morality
Morality is held up by many religious people as evidence of the superiority of their blind faith to the unbelievers. The claim, as old as religion itself, is that unless you live in line with the moral doctrines of a given faith, you are a bad, ‘immoral’ person. And while it is true that compared to their own, personal moral standard, you are immoral, that is not necessarily a bad thing.
After a number of devastating terror attacks, school shootings and natural disasters such as Hurricane Irma, a backlash has begun against weak leaders and politicians offering ‘thoughts and prayers’ to the victims and their families instead of decisive action.
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